Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Pink Salt In A SPA:

It is very hard to take out the time in a busy schedule. But on my best friend’s insistence I decided to take out a day for a latest SPS treatment that she has been raving about. Pink Salt has been the new sensation in her life for the past couple of weeks and she has been very persuasive that I should try it as well. Since I was a direct witness of positive Pink salt effects on her life, s o I decided to give it a try.

As I entered the new SPA that has been marketing Pink salt treatment for quiet some time, I was surprised to see that it’s not only the pink salt products they use for the customers. But the entire ambience was constructed with Himalayan pink salt The salt bricks and slabs were glowing from lights and created a very relaxing and soothing environment for me. Waiting in the reception area did not seem daunting at all as I was surrounded by the negative ions burning from salt lamps and bricks.

My mood was immediately uplifted and I looked forward to the foot massage treatment that I booked in advance. The glowing colors created a very romantic atmosphere and provided good illumination. The staff was friendly and welcoming and everyone looked cheerful probably because of the salt lamp ion dispersing qualities. The foot massage was relaxing feat, the minerals inside the salt gets soaked through skin pores and penetrate deep for health and wellness. Combining pink salt with moisturizer and scrubbing onto dead skin proved beneficial as it removed dead skin, diminished scarring with repetitive use and also softens the hard skin on foot heels. The ancient pink salt crystals provide quality spa treatment in addition to its edible qualities.


The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.